
Python Beginner Mock Interview

To help you prepare for your Python Beginner interview, here are 30 interview questions and answer examples.

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Question 1 of 30

What does it mean by stating that "python is an interpreted language"?

This question is more of a general computer science question rather than a python question. The interviewer wants to determine if you know the process that takes place once you run your code. Knowing this process makes you a better developer and more likely to identify a problem if an error is returned.

We should first state the difference between Interpretation and Compilation.

For simplicity, we can say that Interpretation is the process of executing instructions directly and freely, without previously compiling a program into machine-language instructions.

Meanwhile, the compilation is the process of expressing the code instruction into machine-language instructions, then you can run it only after successful compilation.

Python is an interpreted language. Python interpreter converts the code to what is called bytecode. Then, instead of translating it to machine-language instructions, the bytecode instructions are executed on a Virtual machine.

Bytecode is a low-level set of instructions that can be executed by an interpreter. In most PCs, Python interpreter is installed at /usr/local/bin/python3.x. x is the python version installed on your PC.

Written by on May 4th, 2021

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30 Python Beginner Interview Questions & Answers

  • 1. What does it mean by stating that "python is an interpreted language"?

  • 2. Imagine multiplying a string by a number in Python. Will this operation return an error? If yes, why? If no, what is the output?

  • 3. How to remove the leading and trailing whitespaces in Python?

  • 4. Using list comprehension, write a code that extract the upper case letters in a given string.

  • 5. What is list comprehension in Python? Provide general structure to a list comprehension.

  • 6. What is the "pass" keyword?

  • 7. What is the "assert" keyword in Python?

  • 8. In case of naming a variable with the reserved name of a Python function, will the code run correctly at the first time? Will it also run correctly multiple times?

  • 9. How to convert list of characters to a string in one line?

  • 10. What is the definition of universal function in Python?

  • 11. Write a python function to calculate the mean of a given list of integers.

  • 12. What do python modules mean?

  • 13. What is a negative index in Python?

  • 14. What are the pros and cons of Python being an interpreted language.

  • 15. What is the difference between Global and Local Variables?

  • 16. What does "string data type is immutable" mean?

  • 17. What is the difference between "remove" and "pop"?

  • 18. What is the time complexity of inserting, finding and deleting to or from a list?

  • 19. What is the difference between reverse and reversed?

  • 20. What is the difference between iterable and iterator in python?

  • 21. How can you perform a deep copy of a list?

  • 22. What does it mean that Python is Dynamically Typed Language?

  • 23. State a simple way to create a stack in python.

  • 24. Write a code to extract all the unique letters for any given string.

  • 25. What do you know about "Try Except " statement?

  • 26. Write a code to extract all the capital letters from a given string.

  • 27. What is special punctuation for control flows in python?

  • 28. Why does Python have tuples AND lists? Aren't they the same thing?

  • 29. What are the main three types of errors in python?

  • 30. What are the differences between the set and list data type?