
Behavioral Questions for a Teacher

To help you prepare for your teacher interview, here are 30 behavioral teacher interview questions and answer examples.

Behavior Teacher Questions was written by on March 19th, 2021. Learn more here.

Question 1 of 30

What different learning styles have you used when teaching?

"When I taught art last year, I used a couple of learning styles to help my students succeed. The first was tactial. Having students get their hands dirty in art is the biggest way they learn, in my opinion. Secondly, I used audible learning styles, where students would learn from one another by listening and taking notes on a variety of art themes we were focusing on."

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30 Behavioral Interview Questions for a Teacher

Below is a list of our Behavior Teacher Questions interview questions. Click on any interview question to view our answer advice and answer examples. You may view 5 answer examples before our paywall loads. Afterwards, you'll be asked to upgrade to view the rest of our answers.

  • 1. What different learning styles have you used when teaching?

  • 2. What requires the most of you as a teacher in a common day?

  • 3. What extra-curricular activities have you been a part of?

  • 4. What is the biggest obstacle you have had to break-through as a teacher?

  • 5. How do you interact with a student when they have let you down?

  • 6. Share a time when you interacted with angry parents who were complaining about your teaching methods.

  • 7. How do you manage situations when it feels like a class is getting too rowdy?

  • 8. What is your reaction when a student or students are bored with your class?

  • 9. Describe a time when you had to share a tough decision with a student.

  • 10. Share a time when your lesson did not work. What did you do next?

  • 11. How do you handle conflict between two students?

  • 12. What do you do with students who do not complete their homework regularly?

  • 13. Share a example when you have encouraged students to accept each other.

  • 14. How have you used differentiated instruction when teaching?

  • 15. How do you meet the needs of all students in your class?

  • 16. Describe a recent interaction with a challenging student and the parents.

  • 17. How do you manage your time efficiently?

  • 18. How do you change up lesson plans when an unforeseen circumstance happens during the day?

  • 19. What technology do you add to your lessons?

  • 20. How do you monitor the progress of students?

  • 21. What is the planning process like for the units you create?

  • 22. What have you done when someone has challenged a grade?

  • 23. Share a recently implemented teaching style you tried. How did the implementation go?

  • 24. Express a time you gave constructive feedback to a peer. How did the colleague react?

  • 25. Share a time you received constructive feedback. What was your response?

  • 26. What does a typical day look like in your classroom?

  • 27. Explain a time you misled students accidentally. How did you resolve the problem?

  • 28. When were you most challenged by a student?

  • 29. How would you report a delicate issue to your superior?

  • 30. How would the typical student describe you?