
Vodafone HireVue Mock Interview

Question 1 of 30 for our Vodafone HireVue Mock Interview

Vodafone was written by on April 21st, 2023. Learn more here.

Question 1 of 30

Tell me about yourself.

"I love technology and am a total nerd concerning getting the latest devices and gadgets. Consequently, I have been a big fan of Vodafone since they introduced their first smartphone. This somewhat started my passion for electronic devices of all sorts. Each innovation excites me, and when I decided to pursue my degree at university, I decided this was the direction I should go. My father once told me that whatever I do for a living should be something I love; otherwise, I wouldn't be happy. That's what launched my career pursuits. After gaining some real-world experience, I decided to reevaluate some of my goals, one of which is to work with a company I would love to work for, and that's what leads me here today."

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How to Answer: Tell me about yourself.

Advice and answer examples written specifically for a Vodafone job interview.

  • 1. Tell me about yourself.

      Why the Interviewer Asks This Question

      This question is often used as an ice breaker intended to get you out of interview mode and to allow them to assess your sincerest self. When answering this question, consider the advice given by Vodafone's recruiters who "put together these helpful hints and tips for you to make sure you showcase your best self. We want an insight into the real you, so don't be afraid to let your personality shine through. You could include your general education (but be sure not to list all subjects and grades if they are not applicable to the role)."

      Written by Kevin Downey on April 16th, 2023

      What You Need to Know

      During your interview, you should look relaxed and comfortable. Some non-verbal cues that indicate friendly confidence include eye contact, effective hand gestures such as hand steepling, displaying your hands with palms up, and interlacing your fingers with your thumbs up, among others. Be mindful of your posture as well.

      Written by Kevin Downey on April 15th, 2023

      Answer Example

      "I love technology and am a total nerd concerning getting the latest devices and gadgets. Consequently, I have been a big fan of Vodafone since they introduced their first smartphone. This somewhat started my passion for electronic devices of all sorts. Each innovation excites me, and when I decided to pursue my degree at university, I decided this was the direction I should go. My father once told me that whatever I do for a living should be something I love; otherwise, I wouldn't be happy. That's what launched my career pursuits. After gaining some real-world experience, I decided to reevaluate some of my goals, one of which is to work with a company I would love to work for, and that's what leads me here today."

      Written by Kevin Downey on April 16th, 2023