
UBS Aon Mock Interview

To help you prepare for an Aon interview at UBS, here are 25 interview questions and answer examples.

UBS was written by on March 28th, 2024. Learn more here.

Question 1 of 25

Tell us about yourself.

"I've been a Capital Adequacy Analyst since I earned my degree in professional accounting back in 2020. When I first started at my current company, I was given important tasks like managing month-end deadlines, conducting analytical reviews, and preparing a monthly report for our stakeholders. But, since I was entrusted with these, I have felt a bit stagnant in my growth, and feel there is less development opportunity than there was in the first year and a half. Morale also seems to be lagging in the workplace, and my leadership often praises me for going above and beyond in being supportive and increasing the morale of my teams. But I've been feeling for a while now that it may be time to find a work environment with a company culture more in line with my own values. It didn't take me long to rank UBS as my top choice, for all the right reasons, so here I am, shooting for the stars."

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UBS Aon Interview Questions & Answers

Below is a list of our UBS interview questions. Click on any interview question to view our answer advice and answer examples. You may view 8 answer examples before our paywall loads. Afterwards, you'll be asked to upgrade to view the rest of our answers.

The advice you’ll find in this interview set covers much of what you can expect from UBS’s interview process. We’ve done a lot of the work for you, compiling information from UBS’s interview preparation worksheets, from advice offered by their recruiters, and we’ve transcribed valuable information and advice from the video content on their website. In addition, you’ll find information regarding the assessments you can expect, as detailed on the UBS website, and from their assessment vendors website, which is a consulting company called Aon.

In short, UBS contracts Aon, a British global consulting firm, that also offers online assessments, asynchronous video interviewing, and two-way remote video interviewing. Many of the assessments they offer are in the form of on-screen written tests, many of which offer multiple-choice answers. Some of those will be behavioral or situational tests, and some will pose more technical questions specific to the role you are applying for. The advice offered in our interview set will primarily focus on the behavioral interview questions you can expect from their asynchronous (one-way recorded) video interview, or their live remote interview. Though, after reading through our materials, you’ll discover the advice we offer will prove useful with those other assessments as well.

AS UBS states on its website, “Depending on the role you have applied for, we might ask you to complete one or more online assessments.” The openings on its jobs boards typically specify whether the role “requires an assessment on application.” However, most of their interviews involve remote, online video interviews.

There are several practice tests available on UBS’s careers site, as well as on Aon Assessments' website. A primary focus of those assessments will be the “UBS Culture Match,” where “you’ll be presented with realistic work scenarios to see how well our culture and values complement your approach.” They highly recommend you learn more about their purpose, culture, and their three keys to success, which we’ll cover in this MQ interview set.

Before your interview, it’s important to understand how Aon’s assessment works, and how to best apply the advice we offer in this MQ interview prep set. Aon didn’t start out as an AI-driven assessment vendor. Rather, they are an international management consulting firm. Using a different model and approach from other assessment vendors such as HireVue, Aon’s assessments are driven by speech-to-text technology. Their AI scans “the words spoken by interviewees in their responses and then codes or scores them in each competency area.” Such as drive, structure, flexibility, composure, positivity, awareness, cooperativeness, sensitivity, humility, teamwork, and compassion, to name a few. They’ll then use their findings to score an individual on their work styles, such as their task style, adaptation style, achievement style, interaction style, and emotional style. They call this “Natural Language Processing AI” model their “Psychometric Talent Assessment.”

“We focus on speech-to-text only and use natural language-processing artificial intelligence. The questions presented on the screen link to personality traits in response to how a candidate acts in specific situations. The AI is trained to work with actual behavioral indicators to create a fair and transparent process, and extracts what is said into a transcript. It then goes through the text, identifying words and phrases that would potentially be used by expert raters to score each answer, replicating and enhancing the best human raters’ method of finding positive and negative behavioral indicators. These are linked to different personality traits used to formulate a score for each trait and for each candidate. The final scores for each candidate are generated, and recruiters can choose to step-in and adjust the AI scoring should they see the need to do so. This allows for the best possible augmentation of human and AI expertise.”

With this Mock Questions interview, we’ll offer you a competitive edge by guiding your approach to answering each question. We’ll walk you through how to focus your choice of words to increase your ranking with the Natural Language Processing AI while offering insights on how to appeal to the recruiter who will make the final decision.

  • Accomplishment

    1. Tell us about yourself.

  • Accomplishment

    2. Tell us about one of your proudest achievements.

  • Behavioral

    3. What does integrity mean to you? Give me an example of when you have displayed good ethical judgement and accountability.

  • Career Goals

    4. What kind of work environment are you looking for?

  • Career Goals

    5. What made UBS stand out as an employer?

  • Career Goals

    6. Where would you like to take your career next?

  • Compatibility

    7. Why should UBS hire you?

  • Compatibility

    8. What is your personal purpose statement?

  • Compatibility

    9. Have you done any volunteering or are there any causes you feel committed to?

  • Competency

    10. What sets USB apart from their competitors?

  • Discovery

    11. How do you find time to relax outside of work?

  • Diversity

    12. Tell me about your experience working among diverse cultures in an equitable and inclusive work environment.

  • EQ

    13. Tell me about the last time you were given feedback. What was the feedback, how did you respond, and what was the outcome?

  • EQ

    14. What are your strengths and weaknesses?

  • EQ

    15. Tell us about the last time you dealt with a setback.

  • Experience

    16. What do you expect to accomplish in your first 90 days on the job?

  • Experience

    17. Tell me about your approach to taking a risk when you did not have all the information at hand to make an informed decision.

  • Experience

    18. How do you stay up to date and informed in your field?

  • Experience

    19. What would you consider your strongest skills?

  • Experience

    20. Tell us about the last time you had to take responsibility for your actions.

  • Job Satisfaction

    21. What motivates you at work?

  • Salary

    22. Do you feel compensation should be rewarded for tenure or merit?

  • Stress

    23. Describe a recent high-pressure situation when you worked as part of a team. What was your role in the team? How did you approach working with others?

  • Teamwork

    24. What are you most valued for by your teams?

  • Teamwork

    25. Talk about a time when you helped support your colleagues to achieve overall team success.