
UBS Wealth Management Mock Interview

To help you prepare for an UBS Wealth Management job interview, here are 35 interview questions and answer examples.

UBS Wealth Management was updated by on July 6th, 2022. Learn more here.

Question 1 of 35

What questions do you have for me?

You are interviewing the company as much as they are interviewing you. This exit question helps your interviewer assess your genuine interest in working with them. The more questions you ask the more likely you'll come accross as an efective communicator and that you're self-guided in your work.

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35 UBS Wealth Management Interview Questions & Answers

  • Behavioral

    1. What questions do you have for me?

  • Behavioral

    2. How do you strike a balance between your professional life and your personal life?

  • Behavioral

    3. What do you do for fun?

  • Behavioral

    4. How would you approach selling an investment product you did not believe in?

  • Behavioral

    5. Do you have any questions about this job, or working for UBS Wealth Management?

  • Behavioral

    6. Do you have a personal or professional mission statement?

  • Behavioral

    7. Have you ever violated a non-disclosure, privacy, or confidentiality agreement?

  • Behavioral

    8. Would you cold call for a year if it guaranteed you a steady client list?

  • Behavioral

    9. Do you prefer to work independently, or with partners?

  • Behavioral

    10. As a Financial Advisor, would you describe yourself as analytical minded?

  • Behavioral

    11. Many UBS Wealth Management employees take full ownership of their career. How would you describe your entrepreneurial nature?

  • Career Goals

    12. Why wealth management? Where would you like to steer your career from here?

  • Communication

    13. How would you explain the all-encompassing term of wealth management to someone unfamiliar with UBS Wealth Management?

  • Communication

    14. How do you approach a client's rejection or objections?

  • Communication

    15. What is your experience and comfort level with preparing and delivering presentations?

  • Communication

    16. How would you build a relationship with a client who has an intimidating personality?

  • Communication

    17. How do you establish yourself as a trusted source for wealth management and finance information for your potential clients?

  • Communication

    18. How would you explain mutual funds to someone unfamiliar with the concept?

  • Customer Service

    19. UBS Wealth Management is client-focussed. How do you foster lasting relations with your clients?

  • Education

    20. In your opinion, what factors most impact the growth of the wealth management industry?

  • Education

    21. Walk me through your education and how it guided your wealth management career.

  • Education

    22. If you have earned it already, are you interested in pursuing a Certified Financial Planner (CFP) designation?

  • EQ

    23. How does it emotionally impact you when you suffer a setback in your portfolio?

  • Experience

    24. How have you professionally grown in the last five years?

  • Experience

    25. What’s the biggest challenge facing the wealth management industry today?

  • Experience

    26. What systems and tools do you turn to when performing your job.

  • Experience

    27. Do you have experience prospecting for new clients in a self guided position similar to this role at UBS Wealth Management?

  • Experience

    28. How will your skills complement our teams at UBS Wealth Management?

  • Experience

    29. How, as a Financial Advisor, do you feel about working in a highly commissioned role?

  • Experience

    30. What are your pay expectations for this role?

  • Experience

    31. What resources do you turn to for recent developments and trends in wealth management?

  • Experience

    32. How do you assess a client’s financial position in your initial meeting with them?

  • Experience

    33. When is it appropriate to withhold information?

  • Experience

    34. Tell me about an organization or group outside of work with which you've been involved.

  • Trust

    35. As a wealth management professional, how would you react if you were asked to act unethically?