
Motherson Sumi Systems Mock Interview

Question 3 of 31 for our Motherson Sumi Systems Mock Interview

Motherson Sumi Systems was written by on September 6th, 2021. Learn more here.

Question 3 of 31

Motherson Sumi Systems will insist on setting goals and meeting objectives. Explain to me what you believe are the keys to making quotas each month.

"In my previous position, we were given target quotas each month, which we were required to produce. The key to hitting our goals was staying focused and tracking our progress every day. We were given a bonus if we make our targets, and I drove myself toward meeting them continually."

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How to Answer: Motherson Sumi Systems will insist on setting goals and meeting objectives. Explain to me what you believe are the keys to making quotas each month.

Advice and answer examples written specifically for a Motherson Sumi Systems job interview.

  • 3. Motherson Sumi Systems will insist on setting goals and meeting objectives. Explain to me what you believe are the keys to making quotas each month.

      How to Answer

      The interviewer needs to know that you will not buckle when pushed to produce results. Every manufacturer sets goals and quotas as demands for their product increase. Think about times when your company expected you to achieve certain targets and how you worked to achieve them. Be positive and energetic about your ability to stay focused on the company's goals.

      Written by James McMechan on September 6th, 2021

      1st Answer Example

      "In my previous position, we were given target quotas each month, which we were required to produce. The key to hitting our goals was staying focused and tracking our progress every day. We were given a bonus if we make our targets, and I drove myself toward meeting them continually."

      Written by James McMechan on September 6th, 2021

      2nd Answer Example

      "I have no problem working hard to reach a quota. I like knowing that information so that I have something to work toward. I want to do a good job each day, and I use those targets to help motivate myself to keep going. I look forward to working with Motherson and producing as many high-quality products that I can."

      Written by James McMechan on September 6th, 2021