
Morningstar Data Analyst Mock Interview

To help you prepare for a Data Analyst interview at Morningstar, here are 40 interview questions and answer examples.

Morningstar was written by on June 16th, 2022. Learn more here.

Question 1 of 40

Can you recall a time you were assigned a task that wasn't part of your job description? How did you handle this, and what was the outcome?

"I have worked for several small companies where the employees wore many hats. I enjoyed this experience because it allowed me to learn new skills as an information security manager outside of my profession. It helped me grow my portfolio of skills and contributed to each company's success. In one case, I was asked to attend a trade show to research new data analysis tools from a technical perspective. Even though I had no experience in this area, I accepted the assignment with enthusiasm. Attending the show and interfacing with the suppliers taught me a great deal about how products are developed and marketed, which helped me evaluate new product features and make recommendations for adopting them to our management team."

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Morningstar Data Analyst Interview Questions & Answers

Below is a list of our Morningstar interview questions. Click on any interview question to view our answer advice and answer examples. You may view 5 answer examples before our paywall loads. Afterwards, you'll be asked to upgrade to view the rest of our answers.

  • 1. Can you recall a time you were assigned a task that wasn't part of your job description? How did you handle this, and what was the outcome?

  • 2. Tell me about the audiences to whom you've presented. Were these presentations done in person or remotely?

  • 3. Of the industries you have worked in, from a data perspective, which industry is most similar to the one in which Morningstar competes?

  • 4. Describe your experience creating dashboards. If you have experience, what tools have you used to create them?

  • 5. Which, if any, certifications have you earned related to your career as a data analyst?

  • 6. Can you explain the difference between data mining and data profiling?

  • 7. And how do you deal with inconsistencies in your data?

  • 8. How would you remove the data in a single cell without affecting the formatting when working with an Excel spreadsheet?

  • 9. Can you briefly explain your primary responsibilities as a data analyst?

  • 10. What are the steps you take when beginning a new data analysis project?

  • 11. Describe a project in which quantitative and qualitative data were used to conduct your analysis.

  • 12. Tell me about an aspect of your profession that makes you the most satisfied, energized, and productive at work.

  • 13. Can you give me an example of when you had to work with someone difficult to get along with? How did you handle the situation?

  • 14. Please tell me about a time something major didn't go according to plan at work.

  • 15. Describe a situation where you needed to persuade someone about an idea or process.

  • 16. Give me an example of a time you led by example. Describe what you did and how your team reacted.

  • 17. Tell me about a difficult decision you had to make in one of your previous roles.

  • 18. Can you recall a time your manager was unavailable when a situation arose that demanded an immediate resolution? How did you react?

  • 19. When was the last occasion you asked for direct feedback from your manager?

  • 20. Why did you choose to interview with Morningstar rather than with others in our industry?

  • 21. Working as a data analyst gives you a unique perspective on the data and the tools used while working with that data. Have you ever recommended a change to any of the data processes or tools used? Did anything result from your recommendation?

  • 22. Can you describe the largest data set you had to work with from a past project? How many rows/entries and columns/variables did the data set include, and what kind of data was included—financial, marketing, operational, etc.?

  • 23. What tools/software do you have experience using in each phase of a data analysis project—from cleaning/preparing data to data exploration to the final presentation?

  • 24. Considering all the phases of data analysis, what tools/software work the best for you or do you feel the most comfortable using, and why?

  • 25. It is likely you will work with Morningstar stakeholders who may have little knowledge of data and databases. Describe a time you found yourself working in a situation such as this—what specific challenges did you face, and how did you deal with them?

  • 26. Describe an analysis project you worked on where the results were surprising to you and others involved in the project.

  • 27. Do you have any experience working with statistical models? If so, please describe in as much detail as possible the statistical model you worked on and your role in creating it or using it to answer a business question.

  • 28. Morningstar, like most large companies, houses its data in multiple data warehouses. In one of your more complex analytical projects, how many data warehouses did you have to query to gather all the required data?

  • 29. Querying, cleaning/preparing, analyzing, presenting, and communicating findings are some of the main steps in a data analysis project. Of those, which ONE step do you enjoy most?

  • 30. Describe a project where the stakeholders' questions couldn't be answered due to data limitations. What advice, if any, did you give the stakeholders?

  • 31. Think of a project where you worked with a relatively large data set. Describe the process you took to gather and prepare the data for analysis.

  • 32. Talk about your knowledge of statistics and how you used this knowledge in your analytical projects.

  • 33. What scripting language have you used in your past projects as a data analyst? Which are you most confident using?

  • 34. How many years of SQL programming do you have? In your most recent position as a data analyst, for what percentage of your analytical projects did you utilize your SQL skills?

  • 35. There are many analytical tools data analysts can include in their toolbox. Excel continues to be a common tool for many. Which Excel functions do you have experience using? Describe in detail how you used Excel for one of your analytical projects.

  • 36. Do you think creativity is a good skill for a Morningstar data analyst, and if so, how have you used it in your career?

  • 37. What experience, if any, do you have with web analytics? If you have experience, what tools have you used?

  • 38. As a data analyst, what skills do you believe are important for working on a Morningstar team with people with different backgrounds and varying roles and responsibilities?

  • 39. How would you rate your writing skills? How do you use this form of communication as a data analyst?

  • 40. In your opinion, what soft skills do you believe will be most important in your role as a Morningstar data analyst, and why?