
Bank of America HireVue Mock Interview

To help you prepare for a HireVue interview at Bank of America, here are 30 interview questions and answer examples.

Bank of America was written by on May 24th, 2022. Learn more here.

Question 1 of 30

Discuss a time when you succeeded despite being under an unusual amount of pressure.

"Throughout my career in the financial services sector, I have gained the skills that help me constructively deal with stress. (Situation) Last year, one of our investment managers retired and she passed me one of her most important legacy accounts. I was thrilled to have the opportunity; however, this account was notorious for being high-pressure. (Task) I knew that onboarding this client would be challenging. It would take a great deal of diligence, research, and time on my end. I felt overwhelmed, but I knew that serving this account to the best of my ability would speak volumes about my firm and be a valuable addition to my portfolio. (Action) During this time, I sought out a mentor with more experience than me in the financial sector. This individual taught me incredibly beneficial approaches and tools for managing my time, controlling stress, and regulating my mindset under pressure. (Result) As a result, I successfully onboarded this new account and even received accolades from the client, which reached my leadership team. Now, when I feel immense pressure on the job and in my personal life, I lean on these mechanisms and techniques to get me to the finish line with focus and poise."

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Bank of America HireVue Interview Questions & Answers

Below is a list of our Bank of America interview questions. Click on any interview question to view our answer advice and answer examples. You may view 8 answer examples before our paywall loads. Afterwards, you'll be asked to upgrade to view the rest of our answers.

  • Behavioral

    1. Discuss a time when you succeeded despite being under an unusual amount of pressure.

  • Behavioral

    2. Tell us about a time when you faced major change and needed to adapt.

  • Behavioral

    3. Tell us about the most difficult career-related decision you had to make in the past.

  • Behavioral

    4. Discuss a time when you received critical feedback.

  • Behavioral

    5. What is your greatest weakness, and how are you working toward improving this shortcoming?

  • Behavioral

    6. Describe a time when you contributed to a team goal and the outcome was successful.

  • Behavioral

    7. Take us through a time when you failed at work.

  • Behavioral

    8. Talk about a time when you encountered conflict with a coworker.

  • Behavioral

    9. If you found out a co-worker was being dishonest, how would you react?

  • Compatibility

    10. Talk to us about your leadership skills.

  • Compatibility

    11. What would your most recent leader say about you?

  • Compatibility

    12. What are your greatest strengths, and how will they be a fit for Bank of America?

  • Compatibility

    13. Talk about your work ethic and how your ethics are a match for Bank of America.

  • Direct

    14. Why should Bank of America hire you?

  • Direct

    15. What makes Bank of America different from its competitors?

  • Direct

    16. Are you interviewing with any Bank of America competitors?

  • Discovery

    17. When you find yourself with spare time, what do you enjoy doing?

  • Discovery

    18. Talk about your proudest career-related achievement.

  • Discovery

    19. Why did you apply to work for Bank of America?

  • Discovery

    20. Describe your ideal work environment.

  • Discovery

    21. What are your long-term career plans?

  • Discovery

    22. What are your short-term career goals?

  • Discovery

    23. Why are you looking for a new career opportunity?

  • Educational

    24. Tell us about your education, and how it will help you succeed in this role with Bank of America.

  • General

    25. Do you have any questions for the Bank of America hiring team?

  • General

    26. Tell us about yourself.

  • Salary

    27. Please share your compensation expectations.

  • Scenario Based

    28. How do you react when you encounter a difficult situation at work?

  • Scenario Based

    29. Tell us about a time when you showed initiative.

  • Situational

    30. Discuss a time when you used common sense to solve a problem.