
Wedding Photographer Mock Interview

To help you prepare for your Wedding Photographer interview, here are 25 interview questions and answer examples.

Wedding Photographer was updated by on March 13th, 2020. Learn more here.

Question 1 of 25

How do you handle directing guests for group photos?

"I like to make group photos a fun and fairly quick experience for everyone, so I try to engage everyone as quickly as possible without needing to shout or draw too much attention. When it is close to time to take group photos, my team and I will casually weave through the crowd and inform those involved that we will be meeting in a specific location in a certain number of minutes and to please meet us there. I always estimate an additional 2 to 3 minutes for guests to trickle in, so I give them a timeframe that is a bit before the scheduled time. Once we are all together, I will stay back with the camera while one or both of my team members will stand by the crowd and support them in arranging appropriately. I'll signal to them when it looks good, and we shoot!"

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25 Wedding Photographer Interview Questions & Answers

Below is a list of our Wedding Photographer interview questions. Click on any interview question to view our answer advice and answer examples. You may view 25 answer examples before our paywall loads. Afterwards, you'll be asked to upgrade to view the rest of our answers.

  • 1. How do you handle directing guests for group photos?

  • 2. What are some 'must-have' shots that you recommend for a wedding?

  • 3. Do you shoot in both color and black-and-white?

  • 4. Do you have a full gallery available of any weddings you've shot?

  • 5. Do you provide all of your own lighting equipment?

  • 6. What is your average turnaround time for final prints and files?

  • 7. On average, how many final images do you provide after a wedding?

  • 8. What size wedding are you most comfortable and experienced in shooting?

  • 9. What information do you request from the couple prior to their wedding day?

  • 10. How do you support subjects to feel natural and comfortable with portrait shots?

  • 11. Do you offer retouching or other corrective services? How much experience do you have with this?

  • 12. What is your average in shooting hours for a wedding?

  • 13. Do you have any restrictions for sharing photos online or in print?

  • 14. How long have you been shooting weddings? How many weddings have you photographed?

  • 15. How do you get to know a venue prior to the event day?

  • 16. What is your favorite time of day to shoot a wedding?

  • 17. How do you get to know a couple before the wedding?

  • 18. Have you ever been late for a wedding?

  • 19. What do you typically wear to a wedding?

  • 20. Do you ever accept more than one wedding in a given day or weekend?

  • 21. Do you charge a travel fee? If so, what is your radius and what does the fee include?

  • 22. Do you follow a shot list, or do you prefer free reign?

  • 23. What lenses do you use for wedding photography?

  • 24. What style(s) do you specialize in?

  • 25. Do you have any assistants or a team of photographers to support on the wedding day?