
NHS Band 3 Emergency Care Assistant Mock Interview

To help you prepare for your NHS Band 3 Emergency Care Assistant interview, here are 30 interview questions and answer examples.

NHS Band 3 Emergency Care Assistant was written by on April 16th, 2023. Learn more here.

Question 1 of 30

One of the NHS's core values is "working together for patients." In what ways do you promote teamwork and collaboration?

"The job can be very stressful, and I feel it's important to have strong relationships with those you work with and spend so much time with. I promote teamwork by being willing to jump in and help others complete their tasks or admin paperwork each shift and help train new hires if they need assistance. I also promote effective communication at work by sharing critical information with others and actively listening during training and team meetings. When we're on the scene, I work with other professionals to ensure the scene is safe, the patient is cared for, and all the responsibilities of the team are completed successfully."

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30 NHS Band 3 Emergency Care Assistant Interview Questions & Answers

Below is a list of our NHS Band 3 Emergency Care Assistant interview questions. Click on any interview question to view our answer advice and answer examples. You may view 10 answer examples before our paywall loads. Afterwards, you'll be asked to upgrade to view the rest of our answers.

  • Compatibility

    1. One of the NHS's core values is "working together for patients." In what ways do you promote teamwork and collaboration?

  • Compatibility

    2. This position often requires you to work irregular hours and schedule patterns. What is your availability?

  • Compatibility

    3. What are three skills you possess that help you be successful as an ECA?

  • Competency

    4. What strategies do you use to keep calm in emergency situations?

  • Competency

    5. What leadership qualities do you possess?

  • Competency

    6. How do you provide compassionate care in the community?

  • Competency

    7. How would you describe your interpersonal skills?

  • Competency

    8. How do you keep yourself safe on the job?

  • Competency

    9. In the last year, how frequently have you called off work?

  • Competency

    10. How do you deal with conflict in the workplace?

  • Competency

    11. How does the team ensure a smooth handoff to the hospital?

  • Competency

    12. Being an ECA can be very stressful. How do you manage the stress of the job?

  • Competency

    13. Tell me about your last performance review.

  • Discovery

    14. How did you hear about this opening?

  • Discovery

    15. What questions do you have for me?

  • Discovery

    16. How do you like to be recognized for the work that you do?

  • Discovery

    17. What might cause you to feel dissatisfied in the workplace?

  • Discovery

    18. Where do you see yourself in the next 2-3 years?

  • Discovery

    19. What motivates you to do the job of the emergency care assistant every day?

  • Discovery

    20. What challenges do you anticipate in this role?

  • Discovery

    21. What do you know about the NHS?

  • Discovery

    22. Are you familiar with the NHS's six core values?

  • Discovery

    23. What types of hobbies do you enjoy in your personal time?

  • Discovery

    24. What made you decide to become an emergency care assistant?

  • Experience

    25. What does your typical day as an ECA look like?

  • Experience

    26. How have your past experiences prepared you for this role?

  • Situational

    27. How do you handle situations that could cause you to be tardy or absent from your shift?

  • Situational

    28. Tell me about a time you had to rescue a patient from an area that was difficult to access.

  • Situational

    29. Tell me about a mistake you made or witnessed as an ECA.

  • Situational

    30. Tell me about a time you had to deal with a difficult family member on scene.