
BlackRock HireVue Mock Interview

Question 11 of 30 for our BlackRock HireVue Mock Interview

BlackRock was written by on May 16th, 2023. Learn more here.

Question 11 of 30

Tell me about the last time you were able to advance your career goals at work.

"The career opportunities at my current job aren't quite what I would prefer, which is why I came knocking at the doors of BlackRock. But, I still feel like any time I prove instrumental in helping advance the team's goals, I am advancing my own goals in tandem. When I kaizen my skills, whether through communication or time management, I feel like I am furthering my development in incremental ways."

Next Question

How to Answer: Tell me about the last time you were able to advance your career goals at work.

Advice and answer examples written specifically for a BlackRock job interview.

  • 11. Tell me about the last time you were able to advance your career goals at work.

      Why the Interviewer Asks This Question

      This question aims to assess your model of ambition. Having the drive to further your goals is a positive, so long as it helps further the goals of the team. However, being an overly competitive opportunist who is only in it for yourself can negatively impact the team and doesn't exemplify the model of leadership BlackRock aims to promote.

      Written by Kevin Downey on May 9th, 2023

      What You Need to Know

      "We are One BlackRock. We work collaboratively, without silos and without turf, to create the best outcomes for our clients, our firm, and the communities where we operate. A diverse workforce is indispensable to our creativity and success. It's how we answer the biggest questions and solve the toughest problems. An inclusive, equitable environment makes us thrive. It enables us to draw on expertise and unique experiences from across the firm and bring out the best in each other."

      Written by Kevin Downey on May 9th, 2023


      HireVue's assessment model will analyze the recorded videos to identify top performers most suited to the company's goals and culture. They advertise that each assessment model is customized to each company's purpose, "built for a specific job role after following these critical steps: Ensure that there is a clear performance indicator for the job role that differentiates the strongest from the least promising performers. Ask the right questions to elicit responses that can be measured and that are pertinent to predicting job performance based on IO psychology research. Train the model to notice everything relevant in the interview (what someone says and how they say it), and build a model that uses only the data points that help predict success in the job."

      Written by Kevin Downey on May 10th, 2023

      Experienced Example

      "The career opportunities at my current job aren't quite what I would prefer, which is why I came knocking at the doors of BlackRock. But, I still feel like any time I prove instrumental in helping advance the team's goals, I am advancing my own goals in tandem. When I kaizen my skills, whether through communication or time management, I feel like I am furthering my development in incremental ways."

      Written by Kevin Downey on May 12th, 2023