
Veterinary School MMI Mock Interview

To help you prepare for your Veterinary School MMI interview, here are 25 interview questions and answer examples.

Veterinary School MMI was written by on May 9th, 2023. Learn more here.

Question 1 of 25

Explain how to tie my shoelaces properly without using visuals.

"First, let's make sure your shoes are on the right feet and your laces are untied. Okay, looks great! Now, I want you to take each end of your lace in each hand and straighten them out. Yes, just like that. Looks great! Now, wrap the left lace over the right lace and pull the left under the right and pull both ends tight. This is the first knot. From here, there are two methods for making your bows. I'm a loop, swoop, and pull fan and can't do bunny ears, so the next thing I'm going to have you do is make a full loop with the tag end now in your left hand and pinch it so you have about a two-inch long loop in it. That looks perfect. With it still pinched between your thumb and index finger, wrap the lace in your right hand around your thumb and loop it in your left hand. Take your right index finger, then push a loop between your left thumb and the lace you wrapped around. Now you have a second loop here, and you can pull both tight together to complete the tie. From here, for most daily situations, you are ready to go! If you plan on jogging or other physical activity, I would recommend a double-know where you would now take the two bows and tie them into another know. Looks like they should be good for now."

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25 Veterinary School MMI Interview Questions & Answers

Below is a list of our Veterinary School MMI interview questions. Click on any interview question to view our answer advice and answer examples. You may view 5 answer examples before our paywall loads. Afterwards, you'll be asked to upgrade to view the rest of our answers.

Veterinary schools consider many highly qualified candidates for admission every year. To ensure that as many faculty members, support staff, and other stakeholders have a say in the admissions process, some schools utilize a multiple mini interview process. In recent years, studies suggest that the MMI process gives a more reliable assessment of a candidate.

During a multiple mini interview process, you will be subject to a variety of interview stations, each with its own unique interviewer and unique question/scenario/task for you to complete. Each station has a time limit, typically around 10 minutes. To start each session, a bell will ring, or some other time will sound, and you'll have up to two minutes to read your question/task and prepare. Then you enter the room (or virtual room) and have around eight minutes to provide your answer.

There are many ways to prepare for a multiple mini interview; you can expect traditional interview questions, role-playing situations, ethical scenarios, and even essay-writing stations. One thing that helps in preparing for a multiple mini interview is thinking of your real-life experiences that have molded and shaped who you are. Given the length of time you have to answer MMI questions, citing your personal experiences will go a long way with the interviewer evaluating you. Another important thing to practice is answering questions in a specific timeframe. In a typical veterinary school MMI, each station is about ten minutes. You'll have about two minutes to prepare for the question/scenario and then six to eight minutes to answer in a room with your interviewer.

Relaxing and being yourself is likely the most important thing to remember during a multiple mini interview. Veterinary schools love this process because it allows for genuine and unique conversations with candidates that wouldn't typically occur during a traditional interview process. Another key point to remember is that body language and attitude will go a long way in impressing all the team members you will meet throughout the process.

  • Communication

    1. Explain how to tie my shoelaces properly without using visuals.

  • Critical Thinking

    2. What would you do if an illegally imported pet was brought to you for care?

  • Cultural Fit

    3. What appeals to you about the mission and values of our veterinary medicine program?

  • Diversity

    4. When have you had to work with a diverse group of people, and how did you thrive in that situation?

  • Education

    5. How do you feel your academic background has prepared you for success in veterinary school?

  • Essay Writing

    6. If you had a magic wand that could change on aspect of your personality, what would you change?

  • Ethical Scenario

    7. Is it ever okay to lie to a pet owner with an animal in your care?

  • Ethical Scenario

    8. You are about to perform a procedure with a colleague. They reach into their bag and take a sip of a bottle. When the bottle opens, you can clearly smell alcohol. You have five minutes to talk to this colleague and act. What do you do?

  • Ethical Scenario

    9. A pet owner approaches you during a dog's exam hoping to discuss an alternative treatment that you are unfamiliar with. How do you handle this situation?

  • Ethical Scenario

    10. A fellow student in veterinary school hands you a paper with all of the questions for an upcoming exam. Knowing that questions aren't released before exams, how do you handle this situation?

  • Policy

    11. The AVMA continually lobbies state and federal law makers for veterinarian immunity in criminal or licensing action in reporting suspected animal neglect or abuse. As a future veterinarian, why do you feel this is important?

  • Role Playing

    12. While your neighbors were away on vacation, they asked you to feed their daughter's pet hamster. The morning they arrive home, you find the hamster dead in its cage. How would you break the news to them when they return?

  • Role Playing

    13. You are the captain of a basketball team holding tryouts. Your best friend John gave his all but simply wasn't good enough to make the team. How would you break the news to John when the final team is selected?

  • Scenario Based

    14. An elderly person brings in a pet rabbit with extremely matted fur, long nails that are leading to lack of mobility, and urine scalding on the fur. What approach would you take with this pet owner?

  • Scenario Based

    15. How will you handle a client whose beliefs about pet ownership and care differ from your own?

  • Scenario Based

    16. To end the suffering of a dog in the late stages of cancer, how would you convince a pet owner that euthanasia is the best option?

  • Scenario Based

    17. How would you handle a client who indicated they may not be able to immediately afford the services their pet desperately needs?

  • Scenario Based

    18. A person brings in a dog that you find out is terminally ill after an examination and testing. They appear to be very emotionally distraught. How do you break the news to the dog's owner?

  • Stress

    19. How will you successfully handle the stress of veterinary school?

  • Teamwork

    20. You and another candidate are presented with the task of making an origami duck with very limited instructions. Your role in this teamwork station is to be the receiver of instructions.

  • Teamwork

    21. You are presented with a difficult puzzle to complete in eight minutes with a fellow applicant. Your role in this teamwork station is to be the leader.

  • Traditional Interview Question

    22. What do you feel is your biggest weakness heading into veterinary school?

  • Traditional Interview Question

    23. Why do you want to be a veterinarian?

  • Traditional Interview Question

    24. What do you think are one or two current issues that the field of veterinary medicine is facing?

  • Traditional Interview Question

    25. Tell me about yourself and the type of veterinary student we would be getting if you were to be accepted into our program.