No results found for the specified position. Given the head of a singly linked list, re... Python Intermediate Level Linked Lists Mock Interview


Python Intermediate Level Linked Lists Mock Interview

Question 2 of 3 for our Python Intermediate Level Linked Lists Mock Interview

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Question 2 of 3

Given the head of a singly linked list, return the reversed list.

This interview question concentrates on using Python recursive and iterative functions.

Given the head of a singly linked list, reverse the list, and return the reversed list.


Given:  1 -> 2 -> 3 -> 4 -> 5
Expected output: 5 -> 4 -> 3 -> 2 -> 1


Approach I (Recursive):

We maintain the current node and the node next to this node.
In our reverse() function we are taking the current node and the previous node as the input arguments. It reverses a singly linked list.

We continue to call the function with the node next to the head as the current node and the head as the previous node till we have reached the last node.

For 1 -> 2 -> 3 once we have reached the last node it would look like 1 -> 2 -> 3 -> null. Thus we need to make the last node point to the second last node. Which will make the list as 1 -> 2 <- 3.
Going back through our recursive calls we do the same reversing and return the last node as the root in the end.

class ListNode:
	def __init__(self, val=None):
		self.val = val = None

def reverse(head, previous):
	revLL = head
		revLL = reverse(, head) = previous	

	return revLL

def reverseLinkedList(head):
	''' recursive '''
	return reverse(head, None)

Approach II (Iterative):

We wish to maintain three variables. current, next, and prev.
During every iteration, we copy the node next to the head into our next variable. We need to save this before we move forward and reverse the current node.
Then we make the head node point to the previous node. With this, we are reversing our current node to point to the previous node.
Next, we assign the prev variable to the current node. Thus when we iterate forward in our list the node next to this can be pointed to this.
Finally, we assign the next to the current node so that we can iterate forward in our list and repeat the process for the next nodes.

Once we are done with all of the iterations we notice that the head variable is pointing to nothing. Thus we swap its value with the prev variable.

def reverseLinkedList(head):
	''' iterative '''
	curr, prev = head, None

	while curr:
		# save the next pointer
		next =

		# make next point to prev = prev

		# update prev and current
		prev = curr
		curr = next

	return prev

Time complexity- O(n) n is the length of the list
Space complexity- O(1)

Written by on May 22nd, 2021

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How to Answer: Given the head of a singly linked list, return the reversed list.

Advice and answer examples written specifically for a Python Intermediate Level Linked Lists job interview.

  • 2. Given the head of a singly linked list, return the reversed list.

      This interview question concentrates on using Python recursive and iterative functions.

      Given the head of a singly linked list, reverse the list, and return the reversed list.

      Given:  1 -> 2 -> 3 -> 4 -> 5
      Expected output: 5 -> 4 -> 3 -> 2 -> 1


      Approach I (Recursive):

      We maintain the current node and the node next to this node.
      In our reverse() function we are taking the current node and the previous node as the input arguments. It reverses a singly linked list.

      We continue to call the function with the node next to the head as the current node and the head as the previous node till we have reached the last node.

      For 1 -> 2 -> 3 once we have reached the last node it would look like 1 -> 2 -> 3 -> null. Thus we need to make the last node point to the second last node. Which will make the list as 1 -> 2 <- 3.
      Going back through our recursive calls we do the same reversing and return the last node as the root in the end.

      class ListNode:
      	def __init__(self, val=None):
      		self.val = val = None
      def reverse(head, previous):
      	revLL = head
      		revLL = reverse(, head) = previous	
      	return revLL
      def reverseLinkedList(head):
      	''' recursive '''
      	return reverse(head, None)

      Approach II (Iterative):

      We wish to maintain three variables. current, next, and prev.
      During every iteration, we copy the node next to the head into our next variable. We need to save this before we move forward and reverse the current node.
      Then we make the head node point to the previous node. With this, we are reversing our current node to point to the previous node.
      Next, we assign the prev variable to the current node. Thus when we iterate forward in our list the node next to this can be pointed to this.
      Finally, we assign the next to the current node so that we can iterate forward in our list and repeat the process for the next nodes.

      Once we are done with all of the iterations we notice that the head variable is pointing to nothing. Thus we swap its value with the prev variable.

      def reverseLinkedList(head):
      	''' iterative '''
      	curr, prev = head, None
      	while curr:
      		# save the next pointer
      		next =
      		# make next point to prev = prev
      		# update prev and current
      		prev = curr
      		curr = next
      	return prev

      Time complexity- O(n) n is the length of the list
      Space complexity- O(1)

      Written by S. Kumar on May 22nd, 2021