
NHS Band 7 Theatre Nurse Mock Interview

To help you prepare for your NHS Band 7 Theatre Nurse interview, here are 25 interview questions and answer examples.

NHS Band 7 Theatre Nurse was written by on March 9th, 2024. Learn more here.

Question 1 of 25

Discuss your overall experience in the surgical setting and how this will help you as a Band 7 theatre nurse.

"As you can see from my CV, my career has progressed over time from a Band 5 nurse as a new graduate to where I'm at today as a band 7 nurse. My experience has been very well-rounded, capped off over the last four years in a private eye clinic. In this role, my Ophthalmologist typically performs procedures two days per week and I spend most days with him in the OR. My duties here have included prepping patients for their procedures through the administration of eye drops and other things. I also am bedside during procedures to aid in instrumentation and anesthesia administration. In this role, I feel my experience will bode well as I come aboard with a lot more to learn."

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25 NHS Band 7 Theatre Nurse Interview Questions & Answers

Below is a list of our NHS Band 7 Theatre Nurse interview questions. Click on any interview question to view our answer advice and answer examples. You may view 10 answer examples before our paywall loads. Afterwards, you'll be asked to upgrade to view the rest of our answers.

  • 1. Discuss your overall experience in the surgical setting and how this will help you as a Band 7 theatre nurse.

  • 2. How do you keep yourself up to date and educated in the nursing profession? And why do you feel this will continue to be important as a Band 7 Theatre Nurse?

  • 3. How would you handle conflicts among two nurses on this operating theatre team?

  • 4. What role do you feel you would play in nurse retention on the unit?

  • 5. How would you approach giving a difficult performance review to a member of your nursing team?

  • 6. What leadership style would you bring as our next nurse?

  • 7. Are you able to meet all of required work hours as our next Band 7 theatre nurse?

  • 8. What would be your approach to diversity and inclusion as our next Band 7 theatre nurse?

  • 9. During you career as a nurse, have you taken a part in any extra projects or initiatives outside of direct patient care?

  • 10. Have you ever committed an error in your work as a nurse or been part of a team that did? If so, how did you handle that situation?

  • 11. Patient advocacy and risk assessment are vital duties for our Band 7 theatre nurse. How seriously do you take safety in your work?

  • 12. How would the patients you've worked with throughout your career describe you?

  • 13. Talk about a time when you were proud of your care team. Why do you think this level of pride will be important in this nursing role?

  • 14. Working in the operating theatre setting requires a great deal of attention to detail and the ability to multi-task. What do you do to help keep yourself from becoming overwhelmed in your work?

  • 15. Talk about a time when you had to deal with a significant change in your work procedures or in your workplace. How did you handle that change?

  • 16. What do you feel would be your biggest initial weakness on the job?

  • 17. What are some of the first things you'd like to accomplish in this role?

  • 18. What do you believe sets you apart and makes you the best candidate?

  • 19. Talk about a time you had to care for a patient that was irritable or angry. How did you handle that situation?

  • 20. Many nurses report experiencing "burn out" at some point in their careers. What do you do to help prevent this in your life?

  • 21. Are there any types of colleagues that you have difficulty working with?

  • 22. Have you ever been involved in a conflict with a consultant you were working with? If so, how did you handle that situation?

  • 23. A theatre nurse can be put in some very stressful situations. How do you typically handle high intensity situations on the job?

  • 24. What relationship building skills do you feel are important for a Band 7 theatre nurse to have?

  • 25. What interests you the most about working in the theatre nursing setting?