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JavaScript Intermediate Level Greedy Mock Interview

To help you prepare for your JavaScript Intermediate Level Greedy interview, here are 10 interview questions and answer examples.

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Question 1 of 10

How do you reorganize the string?

This question shows the developer's ability to work with JavaScript array frequencies.

You are given string str. Your task is to rearrange the characters of the string so that any two characters that are adjacent are not the same. If it is not possible to rearrange the string, return the empty string “”.
For the ith character of str, adjacent characters to it are (i - 1)st and (i + 1)st characters.


Given: str = “aab”
Expected output:-“aba”

Given: str = “aaa”
Expected output:- “”


First, we will count the frequencies of each character in the array freq. We will also track the character mostFreqCharCode which is the most frequency, that is, the character that occurs the most number of times in str. Let len be the length of str, which also be the length of the resultant string. We will try to put the most frequent character at even indices because

● countEvenIndices = countOddIndices, for array of even length
● countEvenIndices = countOddIndices + 1, for array of odd length

The frequency of the most frequent character MUST be less than or equal to countEvenIndices, because, otherwise we will not be able to reorganize the string. For example, let len = 5, the most frequent character is “s” with frequency 4,
countEvenIndices = Math.ceil(len / 2) = 3
array indices: 0 1 2 3 4
array: “s” _ “s” _ “s”

We have placed 3 out of 4 the most frequent characters. Now there are two places left:- index 1 and index 3. But we can’t place “s” at those indices because it will make adjacent characters the same. If it does not satisfy the condition, we will return the empty string “”.

After confirming that the solution exists, we will place all the characters in the res array one by one. We will start with the most frequent character and will place it at even indices. After placing the most frequent character we will place other characters first at remaining even indices (if any) then at odd indices.

 * @param {string} str
 * @return {string}
function reorganizeString(str) {
    const len = str.length
    const [freq, mostFreqCharCode] = countChars(str)

    if (!isPossible(len, freq[mostFreqCharCode])) {
        return ""
    const res = new Array(len)    
    fillMostFreqChar(res, freq, mostFreqCharCode)
    fillRestChars(res, freq)
    return res.join('')

function countChars(str) {
    const freq = new Array(26).fill(0)
    const len = str.length
    let mostFreqCharCode = 0
    for (const char of str) {
        const code = char.charCodeAt(0) - 97

        if (freq[code] > freq[mostFreqCharCode]) {
            mostFreqCharCode = code
    return [freq, mostFreqCharCode]

function isPossible(len, freqOfMostFreqCharCode) {
    const countEvenIndices = Math.ceil(len / 2)
    return freqOfMostFreqCharCode <= countEvenIndices

function fillMostFreqChar(res, freq, mostFreqCharCode) {
    let i = 0

    while (freq[mostFreqCharCode] !== 0) {
        res[i] = String.fromCharCode(mostFreqCharCode + 97)
        i += 2

function fillRestChars(res, freq) {
    let i = 0
    // find first even index which is not filled
    while (res[i] !== undefined) i+= 2
    for (let charCode = 0; charCode < 26; charCode++) {
        while (freq[charCode] > 0) {
            // all even indices are filled
            // start filling at odd indices
            if (i >= res.length) i = 1
            res[i] = String.fromCharCode(charCode + 97)
            i += 2

Time complexity- O(len)
Space complexity- O(len)

Written by on June 27th, 2021

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10 JavaScript Intermediate Level Greedy Interview Questions & Answers

Below is a list of our JavaScript Intermediate Level Greedy interview questions. Click on any interview question to view our answer advice and answer examples. You may view 5 answer examples before our paywall loads. Afterwards, you'll be asked to upgrade to view the rest of our answers.

  • 1. How do you reorganize the string?

  • 2. Create the card-power game.

  • 3. Return the consecutive numbers.

  • 4. Remove duplicate letters.

  • 5. What are the minimum number of jumps required?

  • 6. Can you partition the string?

  • 7. Find the desired configurations of the bulbs.

  • 8. Minimize the maximum pair sum in an array.

  • 9. What is the score after flipping the matrix?

  • 10. How do you reconstruct the queue by height?