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Casino Security Mock Interview

13 Interview Questions That Will Help You Prepare for your Casino Security Job Interview.

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Question 10 of 13

How would you handle an upset guest?

***Note: We do not have professional answers for this career***

User Answers

1. I would start by making sure with myself, that the reason they are upset does not escalate their demeanor. Calmly confirm their concerns and advise them, that there concerns mean a lot to the casino, and to refer them to either HR, Security Supervisor, and or Casino Public Relations Dept.

2. See what I could calm him down a soda or coffie.

3. I would first ask them if I could help them with the issue they are having and assure them that if I couldn't I would contact the person who could.

4. I would communicate professional and contact a floor supervisor.

5. Try to understand and what's going on and make them fell at home.

6. Investigate why upset and provide solutions.

7. Call for backup make sure they are in route then approach the guest with a calm demeanor and ask them if they are having a problem with another guest or is it personal.

8. I will talk to him while giving him all due respect. Talk about the problem and suggest solutions to it.

9. Speak to them and let them discuss what the problem is.

10. I would listen to their concerns and try to assist them in an amicable resolution.

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How to Answer: How would you handle an upset guest?

Advice and answer examples written specifically for a Casino Security job interview.

  • 10. How would you handle an upset guest?

      Note: We do not have professional answers for this career

      User Answers

      1. I would start by making sure with myself, that the reason they are upset does not escalate their demeanor. Calmly confirm their concerns and advise them, that there concerns mean a lot to the casino, and to refer them to either HR, Security Supervisor, and or Casino Public Relations Dept.

      2. See what I could calm him down a soda or coffie.

      3. I would first ask them if I could help them with the issue they are having and assure them that if I couldn't I would contact the person who could.

      4. I would communicate professional and contact a floor supervisor.

      5. Try to understand and what's going on and make them fell at home.

      6. Investigate why upset and provide solutions.

      7. Call for backup make sure they are in route then approach the guest with a calm demeanor and ask them if they are having a problem with another guest or is it personal.

      8. I will talk to him while giving him all due respect. Talk about the problem and suggest solutions to it.

      9. Speak to them and let them discuss what the problem is.

      10. I would listen to their concerns and try to assist them in an amicable resolution.