
Metals and Mining Mock Interview

Question 2 of 30 for our Metals and Mining Mock Interview

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Question 2 of 30

In your opinion, why is our industry a fundamental one?

"I strongly believe that the metals and mining industry provides an excellent boost in the economy; especially in those regions and states where mining activity is concentrated. Minerals and metals are what make nearly everything we have so without this type of mining, many of the products we know and love would not exist."

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How to Answer: In your opinion, why is our industry a fundamental one?

Advice and answer examples written specifically for a Metals and Mining job interview.

  • 2. In your opinion, why is our industry a fundamental one?

      How to Answer

      Employees who see value in their company, and industry, are going to be happier and stay longer. The interviewer is looking for your opinion on why the metals and mining industry is an important one. Show the interviewer that, if hired by Company ABC, you would have a sense of pride in what they do.

      1st Answer Example

      "I strongly believe that the metals and mining industry provides an excellent boost in the economy; especially in those regions and states where mining activity is concentrated. Minerals and metals are what make nearly everything we have so without this type of mining, many of the products we know and love would not exist."

      2nd Answer Example

      "I believe the biggest reason why mining is necessary is that minerals and metals can rarely be substituted for anything. They are vital to our everyday lives. If mining stopped, we would not have other resources for some of the most important things we use every day."