
KPMG Singapore Mock Interview

To help you prepare for a KPMG Singapore job interview, here are 28 interview questions and answer examples.

KPMG Singapore was updated by on May 2nd, 2019. Learn more here.

Question 1 of 28

In what ways would our clients here at KPMG Singapore benefit from your knowledge and services?

"As you can see from my resume, I have extensive experience in risk management in the healthcare industry. Having worked with some major players in the industry, your healthcare clients would benefit the most from the experience and solutions I could help provide them. Not to leave other industries out, I think my experience in the healthcare realm will also translate nicely to your clients in other areas of the private sector."

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28 KPMG Singapore Interview Questions & Answers

Below is a list of our KPMG Singapore interview questions. Click on any interview question to view our answer advice and answer examples. You may view 12 answer examples before our paywall loads. Afterwards, you'll be asked to upgrade to view the rest of our answers.

  • 1. In what ways would our clients here at KPMG Singapore benefit from your knowledge and services?

  • 2. Would you say that you are a goal oriented person on the job? Why would you say that?

  • 3. Give an example of a finance project that you worked on during your career. What was the project, what role did you play on the project team and what was the outcome of the project?

  • 4. If you were to join KPMG Singapore in this role, you will be counted on to lead projects. Talk about a time you had to lead a team of individuals. What leadership skills do you have that you will bring to the table here?

  • 5. Being successful in consulting and working here at KPMG Singapore requires the ability to work effectively with Type A personalities. What are your experiences in working with this personality and how did you make the relationships a success?

  • 6. What interests you in joining the business consulting world here at KPMG Singapore?

  • 7. An often difficult part about working for KPMG Singapore and our clients is the need to be fluent and adaptable to the cultures of our clients. Why would you say that you'd be able to handle this aspect of the job with ease?

  • 8. What skills would you bring to a business analyst role here at KPMG Singapore and why are you looking for this change in a career?

  • 9. Talk about a time that you successfully educated another individual or group in your area of expertise. What made your educational experience effective?

  • 10. Being successful in the consulting industry requires adaptability and the ability to learn a business fast. What would be your approach to help you learn the ins and outs of a new client?

  • 11. When have you contributed to an effort to obtain a corporate goal?

  • 12. Rate your communication skills from 1-10 with proper examples backing your given rating.

  • 13. In this role with KPMG Singapore, how would you evaluate a new client's financial position?

  • 14. In our world here at KPMG Singapore, our clients rely on real world analytical data versus assumptions and guesswork. What analytical skills would you bring to the table here for our clients?

  • 15. What tools and programs are you comfortable and experienced working on that would help you in this role with KPMG Singapore?

  • 16. What roles are you comfortable assuming in working as part of a larger team?

  • 17. If you are hired for this position here at KPMG Singapore, what do you think the biggest hurdle for you would be from the start?

  • 18. Many of the management and higher level roles with KPMG Singapore require a Degree in Business or similar. Please walk me through your post-secondary education.

  • 19. We value accountability at KPMG Singapore. If a customer sent a formal complaint about an interaction with you, how would you handle it?

  • 20. How do you ensure accuracy and completeness in accounting records?

  • 21. How do you stay organized and on track when working on a long-term project?

  • 22. Tell me why you are the right fit for KPMG Singapore, and this position.

  • 23. What two to three traits do you have that will lead to success in a consulting role with KPMG Singapore?

  • 24. Working with our clients here at KPMG Singapore often involves some initial conflict with our clients. How would you rate your ability to handle conflict or disagreements in the workplace?

  • 25. As a consultant with KPMG Singapore, you will be relied upon to build trust with our clients as you work with them on financial stability and well-being. What would be your tactics to build trust from the start with a new client?

  • 26. At KPMG Singapore, we look to hire those who will be a long term fit. Where do you see yourself 5 years from now?

  • 27. At KPMG Singapore, you will have the opportunity to work with high level executives and leaders from the companies we contract with. What experience do you have in working with people at these levels?

  • 28. A key component to success here at KPMG Singapore is building solid relationships with new clients. How do you effectively get to know new people and lay the groundwork for a long lasting relationship?