
Restaurants and Leisure Mock Interview

28 interview questions and answers to help you prepare for an interview in the restaurants and leisure industry.

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Question 1 of 28

What do you feel is the most important characteristic in order to be successful with Company ABC?

It is essential to research Company ABC before your interview. In your research try to find information on their company values and other areas of focus. Tie in those company values with your characteristics.

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28 Restaurants and Leisure Interview Questions & Answers

  • 1. What do you feel is the most important characteristic in order to be successful with Company ABC?

  • 2. There are many job options for you in this industry. Why do you specifically want to work with Company ABC?

  • 3. In our industry you will come across some difficult customers. How do you handle an upset customer?

  • 4. As an employee with Company ABC you will be required to handle cash and other types of customer transactions. Do you consider yourself a trustworthy and honest person?

  • 5. Have you received any formal industry training in your previous roles?

  • 6. At Company ABC we value our customers and always put them first. Do you agree with the phrase 'The customer is always right'?

  • 7. Do you have any food safety training or health and safety related certifications?

  • 8. This position requires you to work around children. Is there any reason why you would not agree to a full criminal background check?

  • 9. Some positions with Company ABC require you to be available on weekends, evenings, and holidays. Is there anything in your schedule preventing you from being available?

  • 10. At Company ABC we focus on hiring individuals who want to grow with us. Where do you see yourself in the next 2-5 years?

  • 11. At Company ABC we put a lot of focus on grooming our star players into leadership roles. Do you have any interest in a management role with us down the road?

  • 12. At Company ABC we invest a lot of time into our loss prevention program. What would you do if you caught a co-worker stealing?

  • 13. Are you of legal age to serve alcoholic beverages to our patrons?

  • 14. Tell me about yourself.

  • 15. What questions do you have for me?

  • 16. Why did you leave your last job?

  • 17. Do you consider yourself a team player?

  • 18. Tell me about your leadership qualities.

  • 19. What are your salary expectations?

  • 20. Do you feel that you are currently paid what you are worth?

  • 21. On a scale from 1 to 10, how honest are you?

  • 22. Do you have reliable transportation?

  • 23. What do you enjoy doing in your free time?

  • 24. How do you handle stress on the job?

  • 25. Looking at your resume, I see multiple gaps between employments, what were you doing during those gaps?

  • 26. If you had a co-worker call in sick and you were asked to take over their project requiring overtime from you, how would you react? Where do you draw the line when it comes to being a team player?

  • 27. Tell me about a time when you led a team. What was your biggest success factor?

  • 28. Do you think it is possible to be a good team member, yet disagree with the leader?